Trademark Information




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Pronobis S.a. 100 %

The trademark AURANTIUM is registered in Argentina. It's registry includes text/words and image. This trademark protects the use rights on furniture and articles not otherwise classified; jewelry; and toys and sporting goods, plus the following services: advertising and business.
The record is owned by PRONOBIS S.A. 100 %.
Class Record Type Presentation Status
14 2346573 Mixed 2001/07/23 Registered
20 2346574 Mixed 2001/07/23 Registered
35 2346576 Mixed 2001/07/23 Registered
28 2346575 Denominative 2001/07/23 Registered
Class 14:

(Jewelry) Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewelry, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Class 20:

(Furniture and articles not otherwise classified) Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics.

Class 28:

(Toys and sporting goods) Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class 35:

(Advertising and business) Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.