Trademark Information




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Ximax S.r.l. 100 %

The trademark KINET is registered in Argentina. It's registry includes text/words and image. This trademark protects the use rights on pharmaceuticals, plus the following services: transportation and storage.
The record is owned by XIMAX S.R.L. 100 %.
Class Record Type Presentation Status
5 2387395 Mixed 2002/08/23 Registered
39 2387396 Mixed 2002/08/23 Registered
Class 5:

(Pharmaceuticals) Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides.

Class 39:

(Transportation and storage) Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.