Trademark Information




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Messe Berlin Gmbh

Fruit Logistica
The trademark FRUIT LOGISTICA is registered in Chile. It's registry includes text/words. This trademark protects the use rights on the following services: advertising and business; and education and entertainment.
The record is owned by MESSE BERLIN GMBH.
Class Record Type Presentation Status
35 521979 Denominative 2001/03/22 Registered
35 984228 Denominative 2011/12/16 Registered
41 521980 Denominative 2001/03/22 Registered
41 984229 Denominative 2011/12/16 Registered
Class 35:

(Advertising and business) Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.

Class 41:

(Education and entertainment) Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities.